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2017 Year in Review

2241 Continues in Service

For more than three decades the South Haven community has been served by the Pierce Arrow Telesquirt (2241). With a 50-foot ladder, it was acquired in 1986. In recent weeks SHAES has acquired a 2017 truck with a 75-foot ladder custom-built by Spencer Manufacturing of South Haven We are pleased that the Pierce truck will continue in service as it has been acquired by the Ganges Township Fire Department. SHAES Chief Ron Wise is pictured transferring the truck to Ganges representative Matt Zawilla.

Helping Safeguard a Community Landmark

SHAES staff has been actively involved in the design of a fire detection system at the historic Hartman School which is now the home of the Historical Association of South Haven (HASH). The 111-year-old building is a designated Michigan Historical Site. The Historical Association is an all-volunteer organization which has received financial support for the project from the Rotary Club of South Haven, Women Who Care of South Haven and South Haven Community Foundation. SHAES staff helped HASH identify vendors for the project, review proposals for the work and finalize the installation scheme.

New Ladder Truck Arrives

South Haven Area Emergency Services is proud to announce the delivery of our 2017 Spartan 75-foot ladder truck manufactured by Spencer Manufacturing of South Haven Michigan. The new ladder truck replaces our current 50-foot ladder truck that is 31 years old. The truck is powered by a 500-horse power Cummins engine with Allison 4,000 EVS transmission with dual power take off’s. Twelve-hundred-gallon poly water tank and 20 gallon foam cell allows for Class “A” foam to be applied on most fires to help with extinguishment. PTO driven 8KW generator will allow firefighters to run portable lighting, power fans and tools all at the same time if needed. The truck is outfitted with 1,000 feet of large diameter fire hose, over 800 feet of hand lines, Jaws of Life power tools for extrication, blitz attack nozzle for quick knock down of large fire mounted on the front bumper. The Chassis is outfitted with auto lube system to help keep all moving parts on the chassis lubricated. Inside storage for ground ladder and suction hose will help keep the equipment out of the weather. The cost for the ladder truck and loose equipment was budgeted out of SHAES capital replacement fund $846,400 and took eighteen months to complete. Ladder One replaces the 1986 Pierce Telesquirt Ladder which will remain in service through the Ganges Township fire department.. See Special Photo Gallery Read MLive article / Read WSJM Report.

Annual Banquet Highlights

SHAES held its annual banquet on Saturday, May 6. Awards and recognitions were presented to several SHAES personnell. Veteran firefighter Steve Jones was presented the SHAES Leadership Award. Steve has served the community as a firefighter/paramedic for 30 years. He is pictured with Chief Ron Wise and Deputy Chief Tony Marsala. Click here to read more about the annual banquet.

Citizen Fire Academy Graduates

South Haven Area Emergency Services conducted its second Citizen Fire Academy this Spring. South Haven area residents learned what it takes to be a firefighter. They graduated having gained skills that may save a life, along with having a better understanding of the fire department's capabilities. Congratulations Maggie Yelding, Erica Griesell, Dawn Ridley, Nina Flintoff, Josh Kuick and Bonnie Antsley. They are pictured with SHAES program coordinator Owen Ridley. See Fire Academy photos

Better Equipped to Save Pets

First Responders from SHAES, Bangor, Columbia and Covert are now some of the best-equipped in the nation to save a pet's life. On Thursday, April 26, representatives from Invisible Fence of Western Michigan donated six pet oxygen mask kits to the departments. A March 16 incident in which SHAES responders revived a semi-conscious dog overcome in a Casco Township house fire caught the interest of the national company which sponsors a “Project Breathe” program. The SHAES responders did not have the benefit of the specially fitted pet oxygen masks. More than 18,200 pet oxygen masks have been donated by Invisible Fence to fire departments across the USA. Read Herald Palladium article

"New Life" for Engine One

After nearly four decades of service, SHAES Engine 1 is headed to a new “life” as an educational tool for students enrolled in the Fire Safety program of the Van Buren County Intermediate School District. The students enthusiastically accepted the 1980-model Pierce engine delivered earlier this week by SHAES Deputy Chief Tony Marsala and Firefighter Keith Bierhalter. See more photos

SHAES Firefighters Make Canine Rescue

South Haven Area Emergency Services firefighters revived a dog who was trapped in a Casco Township home that caught fire on Thursday, March 16. The dog was found semi-conscious on the floor of a bathroom in the smoke-filled home. It was administered oxygen on the scene and rushed to a local vet for further treatment. The dog is expected to recovered. See Fox 17 Coverage / See WZZM13 Coverage / See Fox17 Followup Coverage

Lifesaving Tips

South Haven Rotary was pleased to host SHAES first reponders Shawn Smith (pictured) and Brian Montgomery on Tuesday, Feb. 14. They presented a demonstration of Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) and the proper application of CPR. More Photos

The department continued its active public education programs during the year with safety presentations at schools, senior living facilities and businesses. The annual Fire Safety Night attracted more than 500 adults and children. In cooperation with the American Red Cross, smoke detectors were installed for free in homes throughout the SHAES Authority.

See Photos of 2016 incidents and other SHAES activities

Other Years

public/2017_review.1511615600.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/25 13:13 by tomrenner